Freedom from Disease

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Following infection with EVA, breeding activities should only be resumed with approval from the attending veterinary surgeon and the local APHA officers, who must be satisfied that infected and in-contact horses have been investigated and subsequently cleared of active infection on the following basis:


Prior to resumption of breeding activities, a mare should have two sequential blood tests taken, at least 14 days apart, and tested in the same laboratory. The first test should be taken 14 days after the appearance of clinical signs or contact with infected horses. If the two tests demonstrate stable or declining antibody levels, breeding activities may resume.

Veterinary surgeons and horse owners should be aware that the current datasheet requirement for the only inactivated vaccine against EVA used in Europe presently is for 6 monthly boosters and NOT 12 monthly (annual) boosters as was previously the case for this vaccine. See Appendix 8 for vaccine details.


Prior to resumption of breeding activities, it must be demonstrated that the stallion is not shedding virus in his semen (see Appendix 5). Semen testing must be carried out in a laboratory designated by Defra.

Note: If statutory restrictions have been imposed, the requirements of the supervising Defra officials must be met in order that the restrictions can be lifted.